Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Fundamentals of Conclusion Samples for Third Person Essay Revealed

The Fundamentals of Conclusion Samples for Third Person Essay Revealed In summary, there are numerous diverse things that make me who I am. As a way to successfully contest your perspective, especially when seeking to spell out why a certain idea is more valid than the other, you must have the ability to understand either side of the matter. An individual may add a rhetorical question for a hook. The subject for your very first paragragh ought to be in the initial and second sentence. The Start of Conclusion Samples for Third Person Essay You may use the samples as a foundation for working out how to write in the appropriate style. Much like the last example, the pronouns of the very first person can be viewed just in dialogues. Though no formulaic concluding procedure is perfect, there are particular processes that needs to be avoided in the majority of situations. Many factors demonstrate that. Students are needed to write different varieties of essays on several subjec ts, and descriptive essays are some of the the many articles that students will be asked to present as part of their course work. Elaborate guide about how to begin an essay After an instructor assigns an essay, among the very first questions that students ask is the way to begin their essays. You might also see college essay. You could also see scholarship essay. The major point to be mindful about in personal descriptive essay is that there shouldn't be any over-exaggeration. One of the most typical varieties of writing is essay writing. The previous point to observe is the best way to compose a conclusion for an expository essay. The True Meaning of Conclusion Samples for Third Person Essay Essay writing differs for everybody. Slavery was one of the clearest ones. If you want to learn to compose a productive conclusion for a research paper meaning you require the greatest possible score, focus on the abstract, introduction, and results. Through the span of history, writing was used to begin a revolution. Always note what type of paper you're writing. How to compose a conclusion is what you need to know to produce your paper worth reading. There is considerably more to nursing than simply providing assistance to doctor or caring for an individual in need. Writing in third person may be an easy task when you get a small practice with it. To begin with, somebody has to get a research question they want answered and a small background knowledge on the matter. Last, please make sure to not incorporate any new info in the conclusion. You're presenting the sentence for a statement of fact rather than a personal belief. Call to action conclusions persuade the reader to select the argument constructed and change their lives in compliance with the new information that they have gained. You need to recognize that conclusion isn't only a very simple overview of evidence you've provided in your primary area of the essay. All conclusion does answer the key research question mentioned in the introduction. You want to supply your reader the last comment about the whole topic you've been discussing. Through persuasive writing, the reader has to be in a position to discern and adapt a particular point of view and have a plan of action. He should get the idea of the whole essay from the introduction. Without creativity, he might not want to continue reading. If you would like you might even have some type of an interview with the person that you're writing about in order to learn more about them. Without having a good idea of the manner introduction and the remainder of the work's pats should look like, a student isn't going to succeed with the assignment. You're able to pick a completely fictitious individual, obviously, but it's probably sensible to create the person at the very least a blend of men and women you know, in order for your description sounds authentic to a reader. It is crucial to describe the connection between the author and the person he's describing to convince the reader the importance of the person being described.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Young Goodman Brown Essays - 644 Words

Young Goodman Brown An allegory is a narrative in which the characters and objects personify deeper meanings than what the reader can see on the surface. The allegorical meaning is the writer’s real purpose in writing the narrative so that a lesson can be found when reading below the surface. â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a perfect example of an allegorical story and is filled with many symbolic elements. The story begins with Goodman Brown starting out on a journey. Hawthorne does not state what kind of journey or the purpose behind it. By the end of the story I saw it as a journey into Goodman Browns own mind, heart and soul rather than a literal journey. I feel this is the most significant†¦show more content†¦The pink ribbons worn by Faith symbolized the innocence of Goodman Brown’s faith. Pink is associated with being sweet, playful, and child like. It is when Goodman Brown sees the ribbons floating down from heaven that he knows he has lost his faith and that innocence has been tainted with evil. The staff symbolizes a type of deception of sin. The devil twice offers his staff to man. Once to Goodman Brown and then to Goody Cloyse. The devil deceives by offering his staff as a source of comfort an object to lean upon when Brown and Cloyse are tired and weary. Sometimes in life it is much easier to lean on the evil and take the path of least resistance rather than stand up for what is right and what we believe in. The forest is a classic symbol used in many stories. The forest is seen as dark, deceiving and a way to get lost. In â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† the deeper Brown gets into the forest the more lost he becomes. He is separated from his faith and all he knows as good. The â€Å"hanging twig and the coldest dew† is one of my favorite symbols used in this story. This whole scene is full of imagery with the cold damp rock and the feeling of hopelessness in the air. The twig with the cold dew on it is what awakens Brown from his dream or vision. This is what makes him face the reality ofShow MoreRelatedYoung Goodman Brown1144 Words   |  5 PagesIn this extract from â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses symbolism, imagery and point of view to depict Goodman Brown’s eventual journey from naivety in man’s purity of faith to recognition of man’s disposition to evil. It reveals Brown’s misplaced faith in man, who is deficient, instead of God. In the dialogue that ensues between the minister and Deacon Gookin, we learn of an impending meeting expecting participants hailing from â€Å"Falmouth and beyond... Indian powows† (HawthorneRead More Young Goodman Brown Essay1048 Words   |  5 Pages The main theme of the Nathaniel Hawthorne’s, â€Å" Young Goodman Brown,† is the struggle between Goodman Brown’s faith, power to resist his own evil impulses and his own doubts within him. It is a story of Young Goodman Brown’s personal conflict over his inner desires and its greater meaning conflict between good and evil in the world. The characteristics of Young Goodman Brown are similar to the life of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Nathaniel Hawthorne had his own doubts about his own Puritan life and beliefsRead MoreEssay on Young Goodman Brown769 Words   |  4 Pagesmain focus of the story â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† by Nathaniel Hawthorne is the triumph of evil over good. A supposedly good man is tempted by evil and allows himself to be converted into a man of evil. This is much like the situation that arises in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, where two people are tempted to sin and give in thus submitting themselves to the power of the devil. In this novel, the area where the devil resides is strictly parallel to that in â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;AsRead Moreyoung goodman brown Essay1058 Words   |  5 Pagesthe benefit of the afflicted†(5-6) and Young Goodman Brown, a fictional character created by Nathaniel Hawthorne, was written because a few male puritans wanted to publish a story to open up societies eyes and live in a more patriarchal society. Regardless of being a fictional character or a nonfiction, we get presented evidence in which both individuals experience problems that at the time the puritan society could relate too. While both Young Goodman Brown and Mary Rowlandson enter the forestRead MoreYoung Goodman Brown and the Lottery640 Words   |  3 PagesYoung Goodman Brown and the Lottery Symbolism Use In: Young Goodman Brown and The Lottery The authors, Shirley Jackson and Nathaniel Hawthorne, both frequently use symbols within their stories The Lottery and Young Goodman Brown. Symbols are utilized as an enhancement tool to stress the theme of each story. Hawthorne uses names and objects to enhance the theme, and Jackson mainly utilizes names to stress the theme, although she does have one object as a symbol of great importance to the themeRead MoreYoung Goodman Brown Analysis876 Words   |  4 PagesHawthorne’s story, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,† appears to be a story about original sin with a lot of symbolism tied in to make it an allegory. An allegory is a story that can be interpreted in different ways to find the hidden meaning behind the symbolism in the story. The three thing s focused on throughout the short story is Faith, the forest that Goodman Brown takes his journey through, and the staff, which the old man who leads Goodman Brown on his way carries. The short story, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,† uses severalRead MoreYoung Goodman Brown Essay931 Words   |  4 PagesYoung Goodman Brown: Good versus Evil Throughout Young Goodman Brown and other works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, the themes of sin and guilt constantly reoccur. Like many authors, Hawthorne used events in his life as a basis for the stories that he wrote. Hawthorne felt that ones guilt does not die with him/her but is rather passed down through the generations. Hawthornes great-great uncle was one of the judges during the Salem witchcraft trials. Hawthorne felt a great sense of guilt because ofRead MoreSummary Of Young Goodman Brown 1278 Words   |  6 PagesCharles F. Harris Kevin R. Martin ENG 102 T April 16, 2015 Young Goodman Brown Most people think that the majority of people walking the face of the earth are morally good with a few bad apples here and there. In the short story Young Goodman Brown, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses setting, characters, and plot to show how everyone can be drawn out of their usual character when they are governed by their evil desires. In this story, Hawthorne uses setting to show how people that commit evil will try andRead MoreYoung Goodman Brown Essay1291 Words   |  6 PagesYoung Goodman Brown Goodman Browns actions in the story, Young Goodman Brown, are a key element to this storys theme. The author uses Goodman Browns movement in and out of the forest, as a method of symbolizing the theme of a symbolic journey into the depths of consciousness. As the hours of the night pass, Goodman Brown travels farther into the forest, and deeper into the depths of consciousness. This theme is present in many passages of the text. The story begins with the line, YoungRead MoreAnalysis Of Young Goodman Brown 1285 Words   |  6 PagesPerceiÃŽ ½ed through the archetypal lens, the short story, Young Goodman Brown, by Nathaniel Hawthorne asserts the uniÃŽ ½ersal idea that eÃŽ ½il lurks within eÃŽ ½ery man. Taken as a whole, the work conÃŽ ½eys that humanity can easily fall ÃŽ ½ictim to innate selfish instincts as well as society’s damaging influences. The main character, Young Goodman Brown, treks on a journey that challenges him to uphold his innocence and his belief in a decent mankind as he discoÃŽ ½ers corruption in people. The allegory—a story

Monday, December 9, 2019

Reflective Practices for Diagnose and Reflection- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theReflective Practices for Diagnose and Reflection. Answer: Introduction Communicationis a process by which one can exchange their emotions, ideas, express thought, feeling and share experiences etc (Moon, 2013). The role of communication is very important in day to day life because it is a way sharing information in both verbal and nonverbal form. Effective communication is more above than just exchanging information, as it also includes perceptive the feeling and intentions behind the information (Hopkinson, 2014). The current report is all about thoughtful practices on my communication skills; consequently, I identified areas of improvement which is lacking in me for the effective communication, therefore, I used various diagnostic tools and feedback. Moreover, this report also concludes the results of various self-diagnostic tests and analyses of key communication issues which I went through during my professional interactions in past 12 months. Lastly, an action created including some of the key actions and tricks for coming next 6 months to get hold of the knowledge, skills in mybehaviours while interacting with people. Diagnose and reflection Communication skills play a very crucial role in transforming students into professionals. As a student, in my classroom session, I used to give presentations, take part in extempore and surely in that effective communication gives me the different level of confidence. Self-analysis is important to know individuals teamwork qualities, listening abilities and how good I am at convincing people (Hill,, 2016). Communication style questionnaire Good at talking in a classroom 2 I get nervous when to speak people 3 I am quick to offer people advice 1 I use effective words in my communication to attract other 2 Based on my personal skill analysis, I came to know that I am weak at communication when it comes to talking in a classroom. Self-analysis on the basis of just taking feedback from the co-students can limit the area of improvement. So for the better result, I took the help of various self-diagnostic exercises which support me in improving interpersonal skills communication. In the series of self-diagnosis exercise I performed a self-analysis test, for that I analyzed my communication skills while interacting with new people or new groups. By this, I found that my verbal communication and effective speaking skills are below average. Johari window When I introduced myself to a new group I felt I am interested in knowing new people, but contrary sometimes, I also feel stressed and hesitation. It is a mixed kind of emotions. Also, through this, I analyzed my verbal communication and speaking skills and I found that I failed to express my idea and do not speak frequently in the group of new people. I noticed that I may get panic or tense while interacting in a group because my confidence level is average. For that, I am actually ready to help people and offer them my help and advice. But, generally, when the thing is about interacting with unknown ones I found myself nervous and less confident. So I have to put my lots of efforts in making people understand my views and opinion to make the communication effective otherwise it is very difficult for somebody to understand what I am trying to say. Assertiveness Questionnaires (emotional balance) Good at understanding the view of different opinions 2 Making people understand my views 3 Convincing people 1 Maintain balance upon my emotions my behaviour. 3 Try that my feelings do not affect 2 1 Best 2 Better 3 Good 4 Worst For the self-diagnosis test, I prepared a questionnaire that helps in identifying my emotional control, thoughts, and understanding of people sentiments and emotions. With that self-analysis, I realized that I am good at understanding the view of different opinions. I usually avoid tough conversation and confrontation but I find myself good at making people understand my views. I am a kind of person who is good at convincing people. But yes Sometimes, I find difficulties in dealing with new people and get easily irritated but the somehow I used to maintain balance upon my emotions and try that my feelings do not affect my behaviour. This skill of me helps me to avoid the situation of egoism and conflicts with others. Questionnaire for listening skills I avoid eye contact 2 I avoid group situation whenever possible 1 Getting bored during conversation 2 Nod my head or acknowledge showing gestures and facial expressions 4 Sitting positions are appropriate 3 1 very much 2 slightly 3 reasonably 4 not at all Before analyzing the session I was in a view that my listening skills are below average but after performing the task I found my skills to be average. I actually do not nod my head or acknowledge showing gestures and facial expressions to the speaker to reflect my interest in communication. I often sit in a wrong posture like folded arms and hands which shows my lack of interest in a conversation. So by all these, I found myself, the average listener. DISCO model of diagnosis From the analysis, I came up with the conclusion that I should enhance the intensity of expressive intellect so that I can make a good interaction with the people during social contacts, to be more satisfied and successful in my career and relationships. Secondly, in the self-diagnostic exercise, I took the help of my classroom sessions. In that, I have gone through inter-group communications, listening skills, verbal communication effective speaking and communication in groups. Although I am confident with my existing skills, there are few movements when I feel that I should work on my skills over and over so that I can interact more efficiently and I am willing to learn new skills and competencies. I am frequently self-critical of myself and always try to learn from my mistakes. Major Communication during professional interactions in past 12 months Classroom Sessions While my classroom sessions, I was having doubts in the topic that was taught by my lecturer. As I lift up my hand to get any doubts cleared I found that I was not confident enough to speak it up clearly and loudly. That was my first experience of going on one to one with a lecturer. In that, I felt I was very timid and really need to put a lot of efforts in order to improve my communication skills. Communication with viewers during Seminar While back in my college seminar, I was trying to interact with the professor but because of thelanguage issue, I could not interact with him properly and efficiently. In the seminar, I was having a presentation too. I was having a good sense of knowledge of the topic on which I gave my presentation. As I done with my presentation my lecturer asked certain questions which were exactly related to my topics but I was not able to answer correctly what he was asking and adding to that I was not able to communicate with the audience as well, though because of the language issue. I was retting and was ashamed at I gave a good presentation and know the answer but just because of the short of words I am not able to express what I am trying to say. After that incident, I learned that I really need to work over my vocabularies and have to make a good command over my English. Literature Review Interpersonalbehaviour a positive approach in which person tries to make an effective relationship more strong with other people whom they are working or dealing with their personal and professional life (Olsen, 2015). The interpersonal skill involves everything from exchanging information that is speaking and listening skills toapproachand behaviour. Good interpersonal skills are a must for every role and in every level of work in an organization to work effectively and delivering our thoughts and ideas. There are various types of interpersonal behaviourAggressive, Assertive and like. Aggressive behaviour is that in which a person put their emotions, views or thoughts in such a way that the others feel dominated and humiliated. It is like a one-sided attack on the people rather than a healthy communication. While assertive behaviour is that type in which a put justifiable rights, views, and emotions in just a way that others rights are not get violated. In fact, assertive behaviour is a very honest and healthy approach to put views, feelings, and ideas in front of others. Interpersonal Communication is an essence in to make a healthy relationship in personal and professional lifestyle (Jenever, 2007). Communication is a two-way process in which the listener and speaker get the equal chance of delivering their thoughts in an effective manner. Influencing others is all about having the confidence which results in an effective communication and marks good impression on the other person. For this purpose, both verbal and non-verbal communication should be valuable enough to leave the impact on others.In addition to that listening skills are denoted as an ability to correctly receive and interpret messages during a communication process. As per the views of Shenton (2007) listening skills are required in an individual so that he/ she can become an effective communicator. In lack of an effective listening, the process of communication can effect in a negative way. Communication Model There have been various theories, models, and methods related to interpersonal behaviour and communication that could be helpful in improving skills of an individual and helps him or her in career development. Two main types of theories are structural and functionaltheories, even behaviouraltheories are also included in the task. The social structural theories give significant focus on social structures, whereas, behaviouraltheories give a significant attention to the psychology of people (Jones, 2014). The models are discussed in the following sections that are quite helpful in improving interpersonal skills and overcoming communication. On the basis of here-discussed models and theories, the style of communication is identified so that individuals can be offered with a better treatment. Johari Window The Johari window model is simple in terms is the most authentic, useful and feasible psychological tool to improve one's personal skill of communication. It is the perfect way to get to know about self-awareness and interpersonal relationships. It is very feasible as it can be applied in any kind of situation and environment (Halpern, 2009). There are four different areas in the Johari window and each area has its own importance of presenting. With the help of this model, I test my intragroup communication skills and I found that I am flexible with other people and can cooperate with others when it comes to group task, but I cannot speak much in the group. The reason behind my short of words is might be because I do not know much about the behaviour of individuals. Although, with the help Johari window model, I developed better understanding skills and I am now able to assess thebehaviour of my group members, which results in an effective communication between us. SMCR Model Another model that is specifically concerned with interpersonal communication is SMCR model. The model is strictly designed while considering the basis model of communication designed by Shannon and Weaver in 1948. The term SMCR includes four major sections such as Source, Message, Channel and Receiver (Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication, 2016). This model is significantly designed for the development of an effective communication between the receiver and the sender of a message. The model is the simplest model that is specifically applied to different communication theories; Furthermore, it specifically focuses on individual or person-to-person communication; however, a less focus is given to group communication. As per the model designed herewith, it can be said that gender plays a significant role, however, receiver, on the other hand, plays the secondary role. The model significantly assumes that communication is not a one-way process; however, it is a two-way process. Nonetheless, identification of noise and barriers is going to be helpful in resolving significant issues in communication. From the analysis of my existing skills, I came to know that I need to invest time in interpersonal skills which will further enhance and fruitful in my professional and personal healthy relations(Olsen, 2015). Although, I used slang and impressive words in my talks so that I can develop the interest of the listener. But I never use difficult slang or words while interacting with others just to show my intelligence. My close ones, my family, and friends tell me I am very much talkative. Action Plan Knowledge, skills, and behaviours Current proficiency Target proficiency Development Opportunities Mentor Criteria for judging and measuring success Timelines Evidence Listening skills My current proficiencies are that I am a good listener and I pay attention to others However, I need to improve nu body language so I can communicate in an effective manner and can show that I am a good listener I can follow an effective process of effective listening and can give more attention to professional listening skills My mentors for this task will be audience and lectures I can compare my listening skills by taking reviews from others however, I can ensure that I have effective listening skills as compared to others 2-3months The improvements in the Self-AssessmentTemplate of Listening skills will be the evidence of my effective listening Group communication My group communication skills are effective as I can cooperate with others in a group task by instructing them and through collaborative practices The group communication practices involves how I can learn and can understand the behaviour of individuals while working in a team For improving such skill and to achieve targets, I can attend Seminars,conferences, and Group presentations The co-workers, students team member, and leaders will be my mentor The degree o my confidence level when speaking in a group will be an evidence 2-3 months Improvements in Self Assessment Template: Intra-group communication Communication skills I found myself effective in face to face communication, and I am good at offering advice to people I keen to learn how can I express my ideas in an effective manner and I want to overcome that I face during conversations, Sometimes my stress reflects my communication The methods to improve my listening skills are presentations, one to one interactions with people, and the courses provided by my university The people to whom I will communicate on daily basis, teachers, students etc I can join some short-term courses available at the university 2-3 months Improvements in Self Assessment Template: Intra-group communication Influential skills I listen to the problem of others and try to put my views in an effective manner There is an urgent need of improving body language and eye contact so I can influence others with my skills I can take part in the regular skill development classes that are offered by university The people surrounding me are the biggest sources of mentoring my sills The improvement of my behaviours towards someones emotions 2-3 months Feedback and personal judgment On the basis of above action plan, I explained the areas in which I need improvements in my existing skills. The communication and interpersonal skills are the most significant areas where I need improvements. The action plan is designed to improve skill and explains that I can take part in the short term courses or advanced post-graduate communication courses offered by my university, as well as I can enrol myself in others institutions. Conclusion The above report reflects on my personal skills and explains the areas where I need improvements. I identified various areas in which I can improve my personal capability to increase communication effectiveness through an effective use of various diagnostic tools and feedbacks. The application of self-diagnostic tests made me aware that I am an average listener and communicator and need to work in significant areas. I can improve my skill and knowledge by taking part in normal courses or advanced communication courses offered by my university. References Halpern, H., 2009. Supervision and the Johari window: a framework for asking questions.Education for Primary Care,20(1), pp.10-14. Hill, K., Wittkowski, A., Hodgkinson, E., Bell, R. Hare, D.J., 2016. Using the repertory grid technique to examine trainee clinical psychologists' construal of their personal and professional development.Clinical psychology psychotherapy,23(5), pp.425-437. Hopkinson, C., 2014. Personal and professional development.Becoming a Nurse: A Textbook for Professional Practice, p.383. Jenever, A.M., 2007. Reflection in Learning Professional Development.Theory Practce. Jones, G., 2014. A communication model for dementia.Care-Giving in Dementia: Volume 1: Research and Applications, p.77. Moon, J.A., 2013.Reflection in learning and professional development: Theory and practice. Routledge. Olsen, B., 2015.Teaching what they learn, learning what they live: How teachers' personal histories shape their professional development. Routledge. Shannon Weaver Model of Communication 2016, Retrieved on 1st October 2017, from Shenton, A.K., 2007. Viewing information needs through a Johari Window.Reference Services Review,35(3), pp.487-496.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Treasure Island Essay Example For Students

Treasure Island Essay On the 27th November 2007, I attended a performance of Treasure Island at Derby Playhouse. During this performance, the design of one scene in particular surprised me: the first scene of the second act, in which Jim arrives on Treasure Island and meets Ben Gunn.  The creation of the Hispaniola ship and its movement was both memorable and surprising. Its creation was even integrated into the acting and melodramatic/musical style of the piece, as the actors built a small rowing boat from benches at the beginning of the scene and incorporated this into a dance. This served the dual-purpose of both entertaining the audience and creating the necessary staging. The main ship itself was on a small truck so it could be easily moved around. This ease of movement was then combined with the use of a revolve-stage, creating a surprisingly authentic representation of a ships journey over moving water. We will write a custom essay on Treasure Island specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Other staging/design aspects helped to create this authentic journey. The projection of a moving map on a cyclorama at the back of the stage, showed the ships progress to the audience, therefore, effectively communicating the idea that the ship was moving. The use of dappled blue lighting and sound effects of waves crashing against a beach also helped set the scene in a surprisingly effective way. The lighting was also used to give a rippling light effect to give the impression of the suns rays on the oceans surface, which helped to make the concept of the journey more believable for the audience. Later in the same scene, daggers were used as props. The daggers were not modern in style, and therefore helped to communicate the period of the piece (eighteenth century) to the audience so the historical context of the scene was surprisingly authentic to the audience. The use of sound effects for the fire from the rifles also helped to achieve this.  When Jim arrived on the island, a green curtain was used to show the jungles foliage and split the stage in half. This communicated the location of the scene surprisingly effectively. Vertical slits had been cut into the curtain and Ben Gunn used these slits to great comical effect. The slits also facilitated Bens arrival onstage and helped to make his entrance surprising. There was an audible gasp from the audience when Gunn emerged from behind the curtain and as he continued to dart through the slits, the audience began to laugh. Another surprising element of design in the scene, was the use of a puppet held by an actor to represent the parrot. The puppet was on a long pole, which was then swung by an actor dressed in bright clothing to show the parrot in flight. This was comical to the audience and surprising as it was a new interpretation on the piece. The costumes also added to the authenticity of the performance, which was particularly important as Treasure Island is a period piece.  Overall, the performance was highly enjoyable with several interesting staging elements.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Bullets as Marks of Punctuation Definition

Bullets as Marks of Punctuation Definition A mark of punctuation () commonly used in business writing and technical writing to introduce items in a list (or series) is known as a bullet point. As a general rule, when creating lists, use bullet points to identify items of equal importance; use numbers for items with different degrees of value, listing the most important one first. Examples and Observations: Bullets () mark items in a list. If a sentence follows the bullet, place a period at its end. Words and phrases that follow bullets need no ending punctuation. It is never necessary to place the conjunction and before the [last] item in a bulleted list.(M. Strumpf and A. Douglas, The Grammar Bible. Owl, 2004)The idea is simply to end by design rather than default, and any of the following practices will help:In your notes, keep track of potentially dramatic closing materials.Hold one of your best examples or anecdotes for the closing.Allow space for a developed ending.Commit to a closing worthy of the piece.Avoid the drift toward a clichà ©d ending.(Arthur Plotnik, Spunk Bite. Random House, 2005)Tips on Using BulletsWhen you dont mean to imply that one thing in a list is any more important than anotherthat is, when youre not signaling a rank orderand when there is little likelihood that the list will need to be cited, you might use bullet dots. They enhance readability by emphasizi ng salient points. . . .Here are . . . more tips on using bullets well: (1) end your introduction with a colon, which serves as an anchor; (2) keep the items grammatically parallel (see PARALLELISM).(Bryan A. Garner, Garners Modern American Usage. Oxford Univ. Press, 2003) ParallelismThe most common problem with bulleted lists is an absence of parallel construction. If the first bulleted item is a declarative sentence in the present tense, the rest should also be declarative sentences in the present tense. Each item must be a continuation of the introductory sentence . . ..(Bill Walsh, Lapsing Into a Comma. Contemporary Books, 2000)Using Bullets Effectively- The most effective communication at work is not the bulky memo, but the bullet-riddled PowerPoint presentation, which people from varied nationalities can absorb in very little time.(A. Giridharadas, Language as a Blunt Tool of the Digital Age. The New York Times, Jan. 17, 2010)- For public speakers, bullet points serve as prompts to extemporaneous speech, and are often more useful than a complete text. On the printed page, bullets break up the gray, as we say in the world of publishing. They give the eye relief.The key to making good use of bullet points is to make sure the elements on your list h ang together. If youre writing about Six Things You Should Do Before Shopping for a Good Used Car, make sure you give your readers or listeners six things they should do, not four things plus a snarky observation about used-car salesmen and a nostalgic whine about what a gem your old Mustang was. . . .If your material isnt really a collection of comparable elements, then bullets are probably not the best presentation. After all, a paragraph lets you mix things up a bit: a declarative sentence here, a rhetorical question there, maybe even a brief list. A paragraph is better than bullets for putting elements into more complex relationships.(Ruth Walker, We Speak Nowadays in a Hail of Bullets. The Christian Science Monitor, February 9, 2011)

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free sample - A sound mind in a sound body. translation missing

A sound mind in a sound body. A sound mind in a sound bodyHuman Resource Management. A contemporary world arena of business making continuously watches an incessant competition race among contestants. They pursue the goals of getting profits and taking a prevailing position in a particular business field. No doubt, each company focuses on reaching success which is hard to imagine without leadership. It is true to assume that the dominance in the world market place requires huge resources involvement. Thus, the shareholders having invested in the company’s prosperity expect the ‘harvest’ to be visible and tangible. So, in this connection we speak about the feedback that the investing participants are eager to see. Here it is relevant to consider the paramount importance of the company’s human resource management (HRM), since it is the human resources (HR) that bring along the company’s exuberance. The personnel being the integral parts of the whole profit making machine comprise the ‘motive force’ that can’t be neg lected. In addition, the workforce is commonly quite varied, thus the HRM is supposed to apply a smart diverse managing program referring to and taking into account the employee-concerned factors. Such factors include race, gender, age issues. With the hindsight we may assert that the above mentioned aspects used to and still to some extent continue to be a sticking point on the way to individual recognition at workplace and field of activity. Hence the company’s management policy resorts to certain regulations in leveling inequalities when evaluating the personnel potential and proficiency. So, in 1960’ emerges the notion of ‘affirmative action’ aimed at minimizing and eventually eliminating the prejudiced attitude to the employees for the recruitment process to be regardless of race, religion, origin, gender etc. Thereby, on the grounds of this idea special affirmative action programs (AAP) became to be developed to provide equal   opportunities for such groups as minorities, women, disabled people, veterans (Berkley Lab, 2010, Oct 26). However, why was such practice in human resource management perceived in different ways? Perhaps we should mind that each notion, idea, process in our world faces diverse opinions and there can be arguments both ‘for’ and ‘against’. The AAP enclosed into the managerial policy evoked a dual response as well. One of the points to say ‘NO’ is a financial side of the matter, since the program presupposes expenses. Not the least of the aspects appears to be a complicated and long-term cultivation of the non-discrimination-prone standpoint and attitude. Still let’s analyze whether the game is worth the candle. Should the companies be obsessed only with revenues and ignore the role of the individuals and their direct impact on the business development? It’s a pure delusion to exploit human resources as soul-absent money-making mechanisms. As a matter of fact, the sound environment and fair non-biased approach to people is a substantially essential aspect of the company’s well-being, since the staff in such conditions w ill demonstrate loyalty and effective productivity. Moreover, even today and in the future perspective the company is likely to gain respect and acknowledgement for the efforts to adhere and spread the idea of equality. Thus, the company’s sound system – ‘body’ is sure to have a sound ‘mind’ – company’s human resources. So, maybe that is the key to success. References Aclu position paper. Affirmative Action (2000) European Academy of Legal Theory. Brussels. Affirmative Action Program (2002-2003) Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory. Affirmative Action Program (2010, October 26)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Impact of IT Outsourcing and Off-shoring on Companies Research Paper

Impact of IT Outsourcing and Off-shoring on Companies - Research Paper Example Impact of IT Outsourcing and Off-shoring on Companies Information technology is an important factor in the modern world given the advance in technology. It helps firms innovate and produce high quality products that meet customer needs and demands. Due to changing business environment, firms have found it necessary to reduce operating costs while exploiting the comparative advantages of human IT skills offered by other countries (Manaschi 87). Therefore, companies have opted to outsource critical IT skills from other firms from other nations that are endowed with the expertise. In spite of the benefit of cost reduction and improved operations, IT outsourcing poses security and generic risk issues to the firm (McKendrick 130). If these issues are well managed, the outsourcing firm is likely to benefit through increased innovativeness and high product quality that could positively improve customer satisfaction hence increasing customer loyalty. This study examines outsourcing and explores outsourcing as applied in IT organizations. Outsourcing is the act in which a company or an organization pays another firm to produce goods or offer services on their behalf (Blokdjik 98). In many cases, the company could have produced the goods or offered the service themselves but sometimes it involves higher costs. Off-shoring on the other hand is a business process that companies use when they decide to relocate their operations to lower cost locations, mainly overseas.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Should taking photos be allowed everywhere Essay

Should taking photos be allowed everywhere - Essay Example Individuals often take photos for different reasons and in different avenues; however, issues may arise regarding where individuals decides to take their photos for various reasons that include privacy or security reasons. On another note, society today is liberal and this puts into question why people should be denied the liberty to take photos where they like. Taking photos needs to be allowed everywhere since this will allow individuals to relive their best memories on planet earth. This is especially important for those taking photos as a leisure, to commemorate a particular event or as a profession for instance photo journalism. In the contemporary world, photography has become part and parcel the working class, the youth and families who wants a piece of past events to keep as a souvenir. In industrialized nations such as the United States, United Kingdom and Japan are more attracted to tourism as a way of spending their vocation. In order to keep the memories of the areas that they visit as a tourist, taking photos is important for such tourists. This allows the tourists take back home part of the regions that they visit during their vocations. When back home such photos give some sense of satisfaction regarding how a person spent his vacation, this is often shaped with workmates or friends back home. The workplace is often hectic for professionals and vacations exist to help individuals to take a leave from the work environment. However, instead of resting home, these individuals often prefer to spend their vacation in a way that they will remember for a longer period. This has led to the establishment of vacation sites across the world. The scenes at these sites are often fascinating and tourists want to remember such sites by taking photos. On the other hand, photos hold a special place for families and in terms of remembering lifetime events such as

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Electronic Health Records Essay Example for Free

Electronic Health Records Essay Introduction Electronic health records (also known as ‘e-notes’) have commonly replaced the conventional paper records used in medical facilities. This discussion describes how electronic health records have provided a solution to a range of health care procedures, have offered cost savings and benefits, and still have greater potential for improvement through future efforts. Overall, this discussion documents the progress and demands for further convenience in regards to electronic health records, presenting concepts, statistics, and recent analyses published by authorities on the topic. Through this, it is evident that electronic health notes still have shortcomings that are commonly noted and targeted, but as they have solved many more problems inherent in previous systems, they are the ideal path for development and improvement in this area. Electronic Health Records Since the development of electronic health records, healthcare managers have been able to reach numerous solutions to previous problems in their systems; this has included improved capacities to record and store the clinical and demographic information patients, the capacity to observe or manage the results of laboratory tests, the capacity to give prescriptions, improved ease of managing billing data, and improved facilitation of analysis for clinical decisions. These improvements reveal the nature of challenges and demands relevant to operations using the previous form of records (paper), with electronic health records being substantially more organized, convenient, and manageable. According to Al-Ubaydli (70), the use of paper records â€Å"had several implications. On the one hand, writing on paper fast and easy, so it fits well with clinical workflow. On the other hand, notes are only useful to the person who reads them, no to the one who writes them. When writing, speed and brevity are essential as there are always more patients to visit and care for. But for the reader, speed means illegible handwriting and brevity means incomplete notes. This leads clinicians to ask patients questions to which the answers already exist in the notes† (Al-Ubaydli 70). Moreover, as the author pointed out, paper is more difficult to transfer or copy, leading to it ultimately becoming easiest to keep the records confined to one central place. With this, they cannot move as easily as the patient, and the chore of copying tended to result in the patients being without a complete set of easily accessible records. Meanwhile, there are substantial space and cost requirements associated with storing paper records. The development of computer hardware, software, and improved data storage techniques eventually led to the development of efficient and effective software capable of storing patient data in secure databases, further allowing all data to be stored in a size-efficient manner that could also be easily transmitted. With the development of the internet, patient files could even be stored and transmitted online, providing an ideal backup for databases while improving the capacity for patients to have complete record sets sent to a range of facilities. The general motivation for creating these electronic health records was to address the problems inherent in the paper records, with the most convenient aspect being the cost-effective nature of storage and transmission; the nature of this being a virtually free cost and nearly instantaneous transmission made the desire and changes especially significant. Moreover, electronic health records would allow users to improve the capacity for users to index, sort, and search through records faster than the time demanded to sort through the paper files manually (Al-Ubaydli 70). An additional benefit is the reduced potential for illegible notes, as the nature of the systems means that all data is entered in using clear computerized text characters. As mentioned, similar to the nature of demands and problems evident in the paper records, there are now demands for improving aspects of the electronic records. However, these problems can be addressed through improved organization, software, and other means that does not demand a drastic change in mediums, as was required to address the problems of the paper records. Al-Ubaydli (71) reported that electronic health records â€Å"must include checks and balances to audit and control access. Second, the user interfaces for adding to the records must become easier to that they fit better into clinical workflow and allow clinicians to do more in less time. Speech recognition continues to improve, and the designers of templates continue to innovate.† The author further points out that similar to the improved search engines of the internet (first challenging and then drastically improved with developments like Google), electronic health records can be similarly improved without restructuring comparable to restructuring paper records. Other researchers have analyzed the nature of electronic health records, further elaborating on the nature of solutions and remaining demands. DeVoe et al. (351) pointed out that the clear and detailed recording of all received and recommended services should be considered the most vital aspect of health records, which is most effectively addressed through electronic records rather than paper records. This further assists with insurance aspects, as the detailed and accurate aspects of recording services can improve coordination with claims and related demands. DeVoe et al. (352) further asserted that electronic health records have the potential to assist researchers and policy makers with overcoming prior restrictions in examining services provided in CHCs. Meanwhile, Hoffman and Podgurski (425) reported on the growth of health care and pharmaceutical costs, frequency of unnecessary medical procedures, evoked healthcare reforms, and critical roles of records in all of these processes. With this, comparative effectiveness research (CER) has commonly been coupled with electronic health records to show that many expensive procedures have had less desirable outcomes for comparable conditions that less expensive ones, pointing out the nature of some health care facilities and physicians. Meanwhile, however, some have argued that CER is likely to lead to limited patient choices, improper rationing of health care, homogenized care, and potentially refusal of needed treatments (Hoffman and Podgurski 425). Congress allocated $1.1 billion to CER through the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, which included other aspects of improving and restructuring facilities. Soon it became evident that a unique application of CER could allow physicians to improve their decisions regarding treatment, as when coupled with electronic health records, physicians could conduct computer inquiries across a large database of patient records. Naturally, this would provide a valuable supplement to the patient’s history and literature. Hoffman and Podgurski (425) recommended that software be designed to summarize findings of queries by presenting the most relevant outcomes of patients with the most comparable conditions, while records be developed and stored in a manner which facilitates this. Thus, personalized comparison of treatment effectiveness or PCTE could become a phrase more common than CER in the future. Conclusion Electronic health care records have solved many of the problems that could not be effectively addressed through developments in the paper systems, with major improvements in the capacity to copy and transfer records, cost of storage, and clarity of information. Although this has led to implications for security and excessive copying, databases have been developed to improve the concerns in these areas. Moreover, researchers have proposed additional improvements in development as well as use, with records having the potential to serve as an informal accessible databank, thereby improving understanding and decision making. Works Cited Al-Ubaydli, Mohammad. Personal Health Records: A Guide for Clinicians. John Wiley Sons: New York, NY, 2011. DeVoe, Jennifer, Rachel Gold, Patti McIntire, Jon Puro, and Susan Chauvie. â€Å"Electronic Health Records vs Medicaid Claims: Completeness of Diabetes Preventive Care Data in Community Health Centers.† Annals of Family Medicine 9.4 (2011): 351-358. Hoffman, Sharona and Andy Podgurski. â€Å"Improving Health Care Outcomes through Personalized Comparisons of Treatment Effectiveness Based on Electronic Health Records.† Journal of Law, Medicine Ethics 39.3 (2011): 425-436.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Plato: Republic: By Allan Bloom In the Plato’s Republic mainly discuses the idea of what justice is. The answer to this question has a variety of answers according to the Republic, which makes it very interesting. Throughout this book, you will be driven in many directions of what justice is. Some may the answer is to primarily is doing the right thing. The main issue comes from about is whether to try and be just at the expense of staying poor, or lie, or even use the very unjust means to get what one wants in life. The main point of the book is a man who tries to be very just, may spend life wandering in the streets in search for money, while the man who lies to get their way, will be rich. This essay looks at the Thrasymachus’s concept of and the Socrates’s concept of justice. The essay also looks at the author thinks that the unjust man will be happier that the just man. It explores the reasons why the concepts are right or wrong. In book one, Thrasymachus definition of justice is, â€Å"the advantage of the stronger† (341d). His view on justice that justice always gives more authority and rule to people who are already in power. The argument that Thrasymachus makes is difficult to understand. His statement may make one believe that the people who are being ruled are considered to act right when their actions are going towards benefiting the rulers. You can also make an interpretation that the ruling class acts fairly by doing things that will benefit them. The confusion comes because Thrasymachus expresses his belief that, when the ruling classes do things that is geared towards benefiting them, they are acting unfairly. In his quote he says â€Å"advantage to the stronger†, which means Thrasymachus is arguing the concerns of justice... ...ons of the people. Socrates brings out the argument that the leaders do whatever they do for the interests of the people. The leaders are stronger than the citizens, the leaders should consider the people as their bosses and work for them. This explains why Socrates accepts that everything the leaders say or do. They do things with the interests of the others. As Socrates argues, leaders are not in power to benefit them. They are in power to serve the interests of the people who put them to those positions. In conclusion, the concept of justice defined by Thrasymachus and Socrates has opposing views. Thrasymachus views justice as making one unhappy. He says that lying and stealing is a way out. On the contrary, Socrates brings out justice as a pure of the soul. Socrates reflects the wishes of the society while Thrasymachus reflects a society that has rotten values.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Analysis of “The Yellow Wallpaper”

CHARLOTEE PERKINS GILLMAN THE YELLOW WALLPAPER (1892) The cult of true womanhood defined women as â€Å"ladies†(pure, diligent). When we talk about American woman, we have to specify their religion, sexual orientation, race, social class (it is therefore essentialist to talk about â€Å"women† in general. Depending on the group which they are in, certain coordinates are applicable. The Yellow Wallpaper is about a white, protestant, heterosexual woman at the end of the 19th century in the higher middle class. Gilman wanted to obtain more freedom and in order to do so, she had to rebel against the most important institution oppressing her: MARRIAGE. 1) Nowadays, the typical happy family is outdated and doesn’t exist. Gilman lived at a time when the perfect family was imposed on women (spinsters and bachelors were frowned upon in protestant society). The upper class women were brought up with the sole aim of being good housewives and mothers. The idea of a woman rea ding a book was frowned upon in society and they were only encouraged to read moralising and exemplary tales (eg. The angel in the house). Young girls were accompanied by a â€Å"chaperone†, who had the role of looking after and policy them. The Yellow Wallpaper takes place in a Victorian house and attic which used to be a nursery. Spaces in the house were GENDERED (some spaces were meant for men and some for women: kitchen, sitting room for women and library for men. The upper stories of the house become a gothic territory: THE ATTIC = discarded things This space is exploited from a literary point of view, whereby women who don’t fit into the cult of true womanhood are enclosed /imprisoned (= old object that doesn’t work). The most important example of this is JANE EYRE (Mrs. Rochester is locked in the attic and dies in a fire so Mr. Rochester could Marry Jane, even though he became blind/She is imprisoned due to the colour of her skin. The husband can? t show her). This is a literary image and symbol to represent the fact that women become part of the trash in the attic, not valid for anything. In the Yellow Wallpaper, the fact that the attic used to be a nursery is significant. Her husband is a doctor. The story is written in the 1st person: apparent diary, which depicts/reports the protagonist? s descent into madness. Language tries to recreate her mental breakdown. Any woman in 19th century who might have shown a rebellious attitude to the patriarchal culture was considered to be mad). The Yellow Wallpaper is a short story. The woman in the ex-nursery is †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. . Everything that happens in the story must be understood figuratively. The doctrines (cult of true womanhood) that constructed what a woman was at the time are â€Å"cultural constructs†. Even children are culturally constructed . Our identity is changeable and flexible according to our context. Marriage is another social construct/fought against feminists. The nursery becomes a symbol of the attic (madwoman in the attic), in which women become invisible. ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________ *BOSTON MARRIAGES†two women lived together all of their lives, but were not considered as lesbians (society simply recognised the fact that women could live together and help each other). Homosexuality wasn’t recognised officially and would only be at the end of the 19th century. Oscar Wild was the 1st homosexual who was openly out. (1) Marriage is not an imprisonment for everybody. For white middle-class women in US it was a chance to legitimise them in society, while black women weren’t allowed to get married. How can she find a way to express herself? She writes on the wallpaper, because that? s the only paper left. Fashion the way we dress tells others about who we are: we are who we dress. We are guided by people who tell us what is in fashion and in the 19th century high class women were advised to wear certain outfits: corsets were controversial at the time because they deformed the female body. Women? s bodies were constructed by fashion. Bicycles gave women new freedom and so did â€Å"bloomers† – a way of giving women more freedom of movement. Catherine E. Beecher (1842) wrote novels and believed in the cult of true womanhood. She wrote about domestic economy. Feminism: a) of difference b) of equality Feminism of DIFFERENCE: Men and women are not the same (men-public sphere/ women – private sphere). Women are not inferior to men, they can achieve the same thing in different ways. Women are morally superior to men and take control of the house: Beecher? s ideas. Feminism of EQUALITY: Men and women should be equal in front of the law: suffrage movement. Feminism of difference was conservative but stated that women should be educated as their role would influence future generations (children). â€Å"American woman? s home†, â€Å"Art of cookery†. Women were taught to be good housewives. The family state and home was a heavenly kingdom on earth. Mothers were supposed to be self-sacrificing (mission: self-denial). Until the end of the 18th century women didn’t exist in terms of sex. Women were â€Å"deformed man† (clitoris=small penis, womb=2 aborted balls). Scientific discourse created sex and indoctrinated the world against women? s capacity. If women were â€Å"aborted men†, this meant that they would never have the intellectual capacity of men either. In the Yellow Wallpaper, the man is a doctor because they had the capacity to define women. The protagonist is defined by her husband? s scientific discourse. He has the power to identify what is happening to her and tell her what she is (nothing exists until doctors name it. ) We always find dichotomy: man-woman/night-day. If we believe that all women are feminist, this is an example of ESSENTIALISM. Not all women are the same: gender is a cultural construct and women are indoctrinated into behaving in a certain way. The author fights against MARRIAGE. She is a pre-feminist (feminism of difference). For a long time, the story has been considered as autobiographical (= confessional mode), as these sold books. In Protestant society, public confession was and is extremely popular. Confessional literature has always been sold well in the US and this is the reason that Perkins wrote† Why I wrote The Yellow Wallpaper†. Originally, the world â€Å"wallpaper† was hyphenated†wall† covered by â€Å"paper† (important connotations): 1st footnote. In short stories, everything is relevant. At the time of writing, women were considered as side of â€Å"hysteria†: that the womb was irritated/inflamed. People believed that when women behaved in a way that they weren’t expected to, they were sick (hysteria). Women were expected to fulfil some roles. This â€Å"irritation or the womb† made people believe that a woman? s reproductive system was at threat and might stop working. Because of this, reading was â€Å"dangerous† for women because it excited the mind and therefore the womb. At the time of writing, there was a physician who said that high-class women should have a REST CURE to relax. He forbade any kind of intellectual work(reading and writing), to go into a kind of lethargic state. The confessional tome of her introduction makes readers automatically believe her. Women found it hard to get credibility and a doctor told them nothing was wrong with them. They were expected to get married and have babies (live a life as domestic as possible). Gilman wanted to show people how important it was for white and high-class women to work. (white women were fighting against marriage as a bourgeoisie ethos at the same time , black women wanted to fight to be able to get married and embrace the ethos. In her introduction, all of the autobiographical information is false (she never was at the brink of insanity because of a physician? s advice. She also states that her literature is therapy, as it â€Å"saved† a woman after she read it. This is also false. ANALYSIS OF THE YELLOW WALLPAPER Title yellow: connotation of sickness – tuberculosis (yellowish: blood doesn ’t flow through your veins. ) Some people have interpreted the text as a criticism of Asian immigrants arriving on the shores of the west Pacific to work as railroad workers (S. fran. Bay – Angel Islan) Chinese â€Å"carved poems† about the clash between their expectations about the American dream and their reality. wall-paper: women enclosed by the paper 1st person narrator who tells the reader what she is feeling from the start to the end of the piece. Syntax becomes increasingly repetitive and we see a stream of consciousness, a non-mediated representation of thoughts. Progression in the story reflects mental breakdown of main character. (syntax, story) Biologism, essentialism way women are indoctrinated into patriarchal culture – brain washing). one expects that in marriage† she starts her role (perverted by patriarchal society). Later, she tries to fight against it, but there is no way to escape, so she goes mad. John doctor/scientist (against superstition) *scientific world has the power to define her: enemy (discourse) Surrounded by a male text who defines what is happening to her (hysterical tendency) (dead paper written and lost ). Sometimes it is easier for men to find a reason that they know (= prescribe a solution) than to find out the reason behind the problem and question their beliefs (doubt their own knowledge). She has 2 possibilities: to believe what they say or go against it (when problems arise) Forbidden to work not house work (upper-class) Contradictions expresses desire and says she is not permitted to do so. Anything she does, feels, wants, etc. Will be questioned by John and explained by science and rationality. John: logic, coherence, science, etc. Her: opposite Control in American society, the only way to rule is to control one? s desires. When we are out of control, we became responsible for our failures. If we are not successful, we lack self-control. Everything in society falls onto the shoulders of the individual. American dream: whatever you want, you will achieve. (worst possible thing: to be a loser) Our protagonist cannot understand that there are some things that are out of control. Clash between what she wants and the burdens of society. On the one hand, she cannot recognize that there are 2 confronting Johns: nice and loving/ controlling. To make us blame ourselves for the blame of others in the worst situation that we can find ourselves in. Nursery he infantalises her and deprives her of all responsibilities. At the top of the house mad oman in the attic (to hide her). Writing = LIBERATION Baby: John doesn’t allow her to be a wife or mother. Little by little, the paper becomes a protagonist and a reflection of the protagonist? s mind. As she is forbidden to write, she has to project her thoughts through the paper. * Page 652 She is projecting her fears, her deepest feelings, obsessions, repressions: a gothic story comes out using monsters, horrendous monsters. That creature is herself. She? s projecting herself on the paper. The paper becomes the text and the room is the symbol of her min, everything is torn (rascado/roto). There comes John? s sister†¦ : everything we? ve talked about (white, high class women), a very few women. Here we have the example that all women don’t think they have to rebel against this patriarchal system. John? s sister is like many other women, she is happy being indoctrinated in this patriarchal system. A woman against woman. The text makes it clear. The protagonist is the rebellious while the other is happy with the system. We can? t universalise. Enthusiastic housekeeper: maybe she? s single. She? s backing up her brother and she is not helping the protagonist. As we can see, not all the women were rebelling against that repression. * Page 653 John? s sister – Tennice : patriarchal –minded woman (cult of true womanhood). Conspires with other 2 male characters against protagonist (also believes her creativity and writing is making herself sick). no possibility of sisterhood or gender – solidarity because John? s sister condemns writing and is also the protagonist? s enemy. The challenge to break out of patriarchal society and not feel guilty is what drives her mad. Contrast between rationality that ruled society (=logic, symmetry, etc. and the female body (curves, illogical) Little by little, her syntax becomes more shortened, to represent what is going on in her mind. The protagonist is not strong enough to break through the layers that John has suppressed her in. She has to die within herself. She puts all of the burden on herself and is unable to escape from John. Rationally, she accepts what is happening, but physica lly, she cannot: clash. * Page 655 1st time she sees a woman in the paper. Bit by bit she feels more identified with the woman in the paper (journey of self-identification). The paper is a projection of her madness. In imagining things, we project our fears. The woman on the paper wants to escape and as the protagonist couldn? t get divorced (social class problems), madness was her only way to â€Å"free† herself. And it is like a woman: she says freely that the wallpaper is a woman. From now onwards: a progressive journey to self-identification and that means madness. The crazier she gets the more self-aware she becomes. Moon: signifies femininity Parallel movement: husband and sister-in-law look at her differently because she is losing ground and her stability (1st p. narrative). At the same time, she starts to distrust them. Process in crescendo. Pattern: patriarchal society In the end, she pulls down the patriarchal paper and is free but mad. * Page 660 The woman in the pattern was creeping and now she creeps. She? s narrating what the husband is doing. John is desperate. In the end: the door locked, he opens it later and he stops short: that is John? s vision. She is no longer a woman, she identifies with the projection of herself, woman escaping and creeping in the wallpaper. However, she has changed the meaning of that paper, she has achieved freedom. The paper is a way she got liberation – she is mad. Analysis of â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† CHARLOTEE PERKINS GILLMAN THE YELLOW WALLPAPER (1892) The cult of true womanhood defined women as â€Å"ladies†(pure, diligent). When we talk about American woman, we have to specify their religion, sexual orientation, race, social class (it is therefore essentialist to talk about â€Å"women† in general. Depending on the group which they are in, certain coordinates are applicable. The Yellow Wallpaper is about a white, protestant, heterosexual woman at the end of the 19th century in the higher middle class. Gilman wanted to obtain more freedom and in order to do so, she had to rebel against the most important institution oppressing her: MARRIAGE. 1) Nowadays, the typical happy family is outdated and doesn’t exist. Gilman lived at a time when the perfect family was imposed on women (spinsters and bachelors were frowned upon in protestant society). The upper class women were brought up with the sole aim of being good housewives and mothers. The idea of a woman rea ding a book was frowned upon in society and they were only encouraged to read moralising and exemplary tales (eg. The angel in the house). Young girls were accompanied by a â€Å"chaperone†, who had the role of looking after and policy them. The Yellow Wallpaper takes place in a Victorian house and attic which used to be a nursery. Spaces in the house were GENDERED (some spaces were meant for men and some for women: kitchen, sitting room for women and library for men. The upper stories of the house become a gothic territory: THE ATTIC = discarded things This space is exploited from a literary point of view, whereby women who don’t fit into the cult of true womanhood are enclosed /imprisoned (= old object that doesn’t work). The most important example of this is JANE EYRE (Mrs. Rochester is locked in the attic and dies in a fire so Mr. Rochester could Marry Jane, even though he became blind/She is imprisoned due to the colour of her skin. The husband can? t show her). This is a literary image and symbol to represent the fact that women become part of the trash in the attic, not valid for anything. In the Yellow Wallpaper, the fact that the attic used to be a nursery is significant. Her husband is a doctor. The story is written in the 1st person: apparent diary, which depicts/reports the protagonist? s descent into madness. Language tries to recreate her mental breakdown. Any woman in 19th century who might have shown a rebellious attitude to the patriarchal culture was considered to be mad). The Yellow Wallpaper is a short story. The woman in the ex-nursery is †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. . Everything that happens in the story must be understood figuratively. The doctrines (cult of true womanhood) that constructed what a woman was at the time are â€Å"cultural constructs†. Even children are culturally constructed . Our identity is changeable and flexible according to our context. Marriage is another social construct/fought against feminists. The nursery becomes a symbol of the attic (madwoman in the attic), in which women become invisible. ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________ *BOSTON MARRIAGES†two women lived together all of their lives, but were not considered as lesbians (society simply recognised the fact that women could live together and help each other). Homosexuality wasn’t recognised officially and would only be at the end of the 19th century. Oscar Wild was the 1st homosexual who was openly out. (1) Marriage is not an imprisonment for everybody. For white middle-class women in US it was a chance to legitimise them in society, while black women weren’t allowed to get married. How can she find a way to express herself? She writes on the wallpaper, because that? s the only paper left. Fashion the way we dress tells others about who we are: we are who we dress. We are guided by people who tell us what is in fashion and in the 19th century high class women were advised to wear certain outfits: corsets were controversial at the time because they deformed the female body. Women? s bodies were constructed by fashion. Bicycles gave women new freedom and so did â€Å"bloomers† – a way of giving women more freedom of movement. Catherine E. Beecher (1842) wrote novels and believed in the cult of true womanhood. She wrote about domestic economy. Feminism: a) of difference b) of equality Feminism of DIFFERENCE: Men and women are not the same (men-public sphere/ women – private sphere). Women are not inferior to men, they can achieve the same thing in different ways. Women are morally superior to men and take control of the house: Beecher? s ideas. Feminism of EQUALITY: Men and women should be equal in front of the law: suffrage movement. Feminism of difference was conservative but stated that women should be educated as their role would influence future generations (children). â€Å"American woman? s home†, â€Å"Art of cookery†. Women were taught to be good housewives. The family state and home was a heavenly kingdom on earth. Mothers were supposed to be self-sacrificing (mission: self-denial). Until the end of the 18th century women didn’t exist in terms of sex. Women were â€Å"deformed man† (clitoris=small penis, womb=2 aborted balls). Scientific discourse created sex and indoctrinated the world against women? s capacity. If women were â€Å"aborted men†, this meant that they would never have the intellectual capacity of men either. In the Yellow Wallpaper, the man is a doctor because they had the capacity to define women. The protagonist is defined by her husband? s scientific discourse. He has the power to identify what is happening to her and tell her what she is (nothing exists until doctors name it. ) We always find dichotomy: man-woman/night-day. If we believe that all women are feminist, this is an example of ESSENTIALISM. Not all women are the same: gender is a cultural construct and women are indoctrinated into behaving in a certain way. The author fights against MARRIAGE. She is a pre-feminist (feminism of difference). For a long time, the story has been considered as autobiographical (= confessional mode), as these sold books. In Protestant society, public confession was and is extremely popular. Confessional literature has always been sold well in the US and this is the reason that Perkins wrote† Why I wrote The Yellow Wallpaper†. Originally, the world â€Å"wallpaper† was hyphenated†wall† covered by â€Å"paper† (important connotations): 1st footnote. In short stories, everything is relevant. At the time of writing, women were considered as side of â€Å"hysteria†: that the womb was irritated/inflamed. People believed that when women behaved in a way that they weren’t expected to, they were sick (hysteria). Women were expected to fulfil some roles. This â€Å"irritation or the womb† made people believe that a woman? s reproductive system was at threat and might stop working. Because of this, reading was â€Å"dangerous† for women because it excited the mind and therefore the womb. At the time of writing, there was a physician who said that high-class women should have a REST CURE to relax. He forbade any kind of intellectual work(reading and writing), to go into a kind of lethargic state. The confessional tome of her introduction makes readers automatically believe her. Women found it hard to get credibility and a doctor told them nothing was wrong with them. They were expected to get married and have babies (live a life as domestic as possible). Gilman wanted to show people how important it was for white and high-class women to work. (white women were fighting against marriage as a bourgeoisie ethos at the same time , black women wanted to fight to be able to get married and embrace the ethos. In her introduction, all of the autobiographical information is false (she never was at the brink of insanity because of a physician? s advice. She also states that her literature is therapy, as it â€Å"saved† a woman after she read it. This is also false. ANALYSIS OF THE YELLOW WALLPAPER Title yellow: connotation of sickness – tuberculosis (yellowish: blood doesn ’t flow through your veins. ) Some people have interpreted the text as a criticism of Asian immigrants arriving on the shores of the west Pacific to work as railroad workers (S. fran. Bay – Angel Islan) Chinese â€Å"carved poems† about the clash between their expectations about the American dream and their reality. wall-paper: women enclosed by the paper 1st person narrator who tells the reader what she is feeling from the start to the end of the piece. Syntax becomes increasingly repetitive and we see a stream of consciousness, a non-mediated representation of thoughts. Progression in the story reflects mental breakdown of main character. (syntax, story) Biologism, essentialism way women are indoctrinated into patriarchal culture – brain washing). one expects that in marriage† she starts her role (perverted by patriarchal society). Later, she tries to fight against it, but there is no way to escape, so she goes mad. John doctor/scientist (against superstition) *scientific world has the power to define her: enemy (discourse) Surrounded by a male text who defines what is happening to her (hysterical tendency) (dead paper written and lost ). Sometimes it is easier for men to find a reason that they know (= prescribe a solution) than to find out the reason behind the problem and question their beliefs (doubt their own knowledge). She has 2 possibilities: to believe what they say or go against it (when problems arise) Forbidden to work not house work (upper-class) Contradictions expresses desire and says she is not permitted to do so. Anything she does, feels, wants, etc. Will be questioned by John and explained by science and rationality. John: logic, coherence, science, etc. Her: opposite Control in American society, the only way to rule is to control one? s desires. When we are out of control, we became responsible for our failures. If we are not successful, we lack self-control. Everything in society falls onto the shoulders of the individual. American dream: whatever you want, you will achieve. (worst possible thing: to be a loser) Our protagonist cannot understand that there are some things that are out of control. Clash between what she wants and the burdens of society. On the one hand, she cannot recognize that there are 2 confronting Johns: nice and loving/ controlling. To make us blame ourselves for the blame of others in the worst situation that we can find ourselves in. Nursery he infantalises her and deprives her of all responsibilities. At the top of the house mad oman in the attic (to hide her). Writing = LIBERATION Baby: John doesn’t allow her to be a wife or mother. Little by little, the paper becomes a protagonist and a reflection of the protagonist? s mind. As she is forbidden to write, she has to project her thoughts through the paper. * Page 652 She is projecting her fears, her deepest feelings, obsessions, repressions: a gothic story comes out using monsters, horrendous monsters. That creature is herself. She? s projecting herself on the paper. The paper becomes the text and the room is the symbol of her min, everything is torn (rascado/roto). There comes John? s sister†¦ : everything we? ve talked about (white, high class women), a very few women. Here we have the example that all women don’t think they have to rebel against this patriarchal system. John? s sister is like many other women, she is happy being indoctrinated in this patriarchal system. A woman against woman. The text makes it clear. The protagonist is the rebellious while the other is happy with the system. We can? t universalise. Enthusiastic housekeeper: maybe she? s single. She? s backing up her brother and she is not helping the protagonist. As we can see, not all the women were rebelling against that repression. * Page 653 John? s sister – Tennice : patriarchal –minded woman (cult of true womanhood). Conspires with other 2 male characters against protagonist (also believes her creativity and writing is making herself sick). no possibility of sisterhood or gender – solidarity because John? s sister condemns writing and is also the protagonist? s enemy. The challenge to break out of patriarchal society and not feel guilty is what drives her mad. Contrast between rationality that ruled society (=logic, symmetry, etc. and the female body (curves, illogical) Little by little, her syntax becomes more shortened, to represent what is going on in her mind. The protagonist is not strong enough to break through the layers that John has suppressed her in. She has to die within herself. She puts all of the burden on herself and is unable to escape from John. Rationally, she accepts what is happening, but physica lly, she cannot: clash. * Page 655 1st time she sees a woman in the paper. Bit by bit she feels more identified with the woman in the paper (journey of self-identification). The paper is a projection of her madness. In imagining things, we project our fears. The woman on the paper wants to escape and as the protagonist couldn? t get divorced (social class problems), madness was her only way to â€Å"free† herself. And it is like a woman: she says freely that the wallpaper is a woman. From now onwards: a progressive journey to self-identification and that means madness. The crazier she gets the more self-aware she becomes. Moon: signifies femininity Parallel movement: husband and sister-in-law look at her differently because she is losing ground and her stability (1st p. narrative). At the same time, she starts to distrust them. Process in crescendo. Pattern: patriarchal society In the end, she pulls down the patriarchal paper and is free but mad. * Page 660 The woman in the pattern was creeping and now she creeps. She? s narrating what the husband is doing. John is desperate. In the end: the door locked, he opens it later and he stops short: that is John? s vision. She is no longer a woman, she identifies with the projection of herself, woman escaping and creeping in the wallpaper. However, she has changed the meaning of that paper, she has achieved freedom. The paper is a way she got liberation – she is mad.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How does language allow self-reflection

How does language allow self-reflection? BY paulvolpi15 How does language allow self-reflection? There are two selves of the self; the spontaneous self is their acting impulsively in response to needs and desires regardless of concern. The other self is the socially conscious self, which monitors and moderates the impulses from the spontaneous self. For example, during a mental argument the spontaneous self may want to retrieve (property) goods without purchasing, but the socially conscious self may censor the spontaneous self by reminding themselves that doing so is illegal.It's like having an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. This self-reflection allows us to monitor our communication, so that we (our two selves) can remind ourselves in conversation that people of other cultures may have different values. Also it helps us to achieve the appearance we project of ourselves by modifying our speech and behavior to the situation. How does language organize perceptions? The way we organize experiences effects what they mean to us.When you put someone into the category of family or friend, an insult becomes playful teasing, but when an enemy or stranger says the same insult it is extremely offensive. We can use this organizational quality o go beyond specific experiences and simplify them to be seen as abstract thoughts. This simplification and organization can twist our thoughts through stereotyping. Stereotyping attaches individuals and experiences into a crowd that emphasizes a mutual characteristic but, it can often ignore the dissimilarities within the crowd.Evidently, we have to take a broad view at phenomena to function regularly but it's important to reflect on our stereotypes to recognize the differences between phenomena. How does language allow hypothetical thought? How do you think you will do in this semester? Where do you see yourself after graduation? What can you see yourself achieving after graduation? When answering these questions yo u must think hypothetically or outside the box. Using symbols helps us to think hypothetically because we can label ideas and capture them in our minds and then we can reflect on them.We can apply our past experiences to our present situation and plan out potential futures. Words have no basic connection to what they represent. We could substitute other symbols to represent the same phenomena. The meaning of a word is a collective construction by members of a group. This allows for the meaning of words to shift over time or even be newly generated. For xample, the term â€Å"googling† never existed until free search engines were created and became publicly acceptable among all internet users as a verb that means searching for info, like data, stats, and facts.Many words can have different implications for different groups of people. For example, the implication of a word for a specific group of people is considered socially acceptable for all members of the group but unaccept able in other groups. Also, you might have words that have specific or a special implication for only your family and friends. As our words and symbols continue to move away from an independent reality, the potential for onfusion is very huge. For example, overgeneralization is intentionally used for extreme perfection.We can reduce the existence of these kinds of mistakes by using more specific language. Ultimately the connection between language and perception seems to be very complicated because it is so broad and so specific. The only thing that comes to mind is basically how people decide to comprehend the language from a group and the way people communicate their perception back to a group.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

njsp profiling essays

njsp profiling essays NEW JERSEY STATE POLICE RACIAL PROFILING Racial profiling is a law enforcement strategy that encourages police officers to stop and question African Americans simply because of their race. Although not raised as a major issue in the courtroom during the trial of the four police officers who shot Amadou Diallo (who were acquitted in February), racial profiling is often employed by police, officially and unofficially, and was likely a factor in the police shooting of Diallo. Racial profiling took off during the highly publicized explosion of crack cocaine in inner-city neighborhoods in the 1980s, which bolstered the perception of drugs as a black problem even though statistics showed most cocaine users were white. Drug enforcement agencies began using racial profiling to "sweep" neighborhoods and in arresting disproportionate numbers of African Americans for drug related offenses. A profile of potential drug users and sellers was developed to assist policemen in picking out and questioning likely offenders. These profiles continue to be used by law enforcement in combating crime. Recent high profile cases and studies of racial profiling in New Jersey and Maryland prompted Congress to introduce the Traffic Stops Statistics Study Act of 1999, directing Attorney General Janet Reno to conduct a nationwide study of the race of drivers who are stopped by law enforcement. Congress is expected to vote on the bill later this year. The current debate on racial profiling has been tied to allegations of police brutality and institutional racism. In response to one shooting of an unarmed black man by a police officer, video cameras were installed in police cruisers in Montgomery and Prince George's counties in Maryland. A four-year investigation of alleged police brutality in Montgomery County by the Department of Justice resulted in demands that officers must ask drivers their age, sex and race, and then compile that data for r...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Use the Word However - Proofread My Papers Academic Blog

How to Use the Word However - Proofread My Papers Academic Blog How to Use the Word â€Å"However† The adverb â€Å"however† is one that causes some confusion, so it’s important to use it correctly in your academic writing. But how is this term used? And how do you make its meaning clear in your written work? It’s all a matter of punctuation†¦ However (Whatever) This sense of â€Å"however† typically means â€Å"to whatever extent† or â€Å"in whatever manner†: I’ll catch you one day, however far you run! It’s not a formal event, so dress however you want. Note that in the examples above, there’s no punctuation between â€Å"however† and the thing it’s modifying (i.e., distance/mode of dress). Another (less common) use of this term is as a synonym for â€Å"how.† More specifically, it means â€Å"how under the circumstances,† so is typically used when referring to something challenging: However do proofreaders remember all those grammatical rules? As above, you’ll notice there is no punctuation between â€Å"however† and the rest of the sentence. However (Nevertheless) When this term is used as a conjunctive adverb to connect two contrasting points, it should be followed by a comma: I had planned to go out today. It was rainy, however, so I stayed inside. The initial results were positive. Further testing, however, is still required. Here, it is being used to contrast the latter sentence with the former. As such, we can reformulate these sentences to use â€Å"but† instead: I had planned to go out today, but it was rainy, so I stayed inside. The initial results were positive, but further testing is still required. Can I Start a Sentence with However? Since â€Å"however† can substitute for â€Å"but,† some claim it shouldn’t be used at the beginning of a sentence. Nevertheless, even if the idea that you shouldn’t use a conjunction like this were true, it wouldn’t apply in this case. Unlike the coordinating conjunction â€Å"but,† â€Å"however† is not used to link two independent clauses in a single sentence. As such, if you want to use it to contrast two points, you need to make sure they are both complete sentences. Beginning a sentence with â€Å"however† can even emphasize a contrast, since it flows more smoothly, foregrounds the comparison and ensures clarity: The initial results were positive. However, further testing is still required. But if you don’t want to use this term at the beginning of a new sentence, you can also connect two sentences with a semicolon: The initial results were positive; however, further testing is still required. However you choose to use â€Å"however,† however, make sure you punctuate correctly so that your reader will understand what you mean.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Avant Garde Movement in Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Avant Garde Movement in Russia - Essay Example Natalia Goncharova on the other hand also played a role in the avant garde movement in Russia in that she was influenced to paint by the fact that the folk art of Russia to her seemed to primitive, she therefore together with her husband worked to organize the donkey tail art exhibition which led to the strengthening of this movement. Kazimir Malevich also contributed to the avant garde movement of Russia whereby he exhibited in many exhibitions which included the donkey tail exhibition which was organized by Natalia Goncharova. The paper also recognises the role played by religious icons paintings in the development of the avant garde movement, the religious painters only painted for the purpose of the church and only the church processed these icons, however after some years this changed and the people started owning these icons, paintings were also produced which were non religious in form and this contributed to the development of the avant garde movement. Kazimir Malevich was born in the year 1878 until his de... ious icons in Moscow, this is how he began icon painting, in the year 1906 he began studying painting at the Rerberg studio, whose purpose was to help him to join the Moscow college of painting. Kazimir Malevich was considered an important member of the avant garde movement in Russia. The avant garde paintings were meant to be those that enlightened the viewers of these paintings, Malevich created ant German propaganda and he also wrote slogans on paintings that were drawn by other painters. Natalia Goncharova: Natalia Goncharova was born in the year 1881 and dies in the year 1962, she was an avant garde artist in Russia and she was the wife of a poet named Alexander Pushkin. She undertook her art studies in the academy of art in Moscow; she organized the Donkey tail exhibition of 1912. Wassily Kandinsky: Wassily Kandinsky was born in 1866 and dies in the year 1944, he was a painter, an art theorist and a print maker, he was one famous painter in that he was credited for painting the first abstract work that is considered modern. He joined the University of Moscow where he studied economics and law, he started painting art the age of 30 and in 1896 he joined the Munich school of fine art, he is considered an avant garde painting member. Role of Russian Orthodox Icons on the Avant-Garde movement in Russia: The role of Wassily Kandinsky: Wassily Kandinsky painting did not emphasis any human figure, his paintings included a painting known as old Russia, this painting had the view of peasants and the nobles before the wall of a town, this painting was highly colourful and fanciful, the other painting was the riding couple painting of the year 1907, this painting depicted a man and a woman riding a horse, the man held the woman with tenderness, his use of colour

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Negative interaction on the psyche of the American teenagers caused by Research Paper

Negative interaction on the psyche of the American teenagers caused by the violence in video games - Research Paper Example However, even with the rating systems can’t prevent exposure to violence as a staggering 89% of video games contain a degree of violent content and specifically it can also be found in more than half of E-rated (for Everyone) games (Gentile). Figure 1. Computer and video game sales from 2000 to 2011 (NPD) Violence in video games is not a relatively novel subject. Since the emergence of the video gaming industry in the 1970’s the notion that video games promoted violence became a major controversy with the release of â€Å"Death Race† in 1976 (Kent). The game involved the player as an automobile driver running over screaming â€Å"gremlins† that resembled human figures due to the primitive graphics of that era. Believing that the game appeared to condone killing of innocent civilians with a car, protestors started pulling machines out of the arcades and burning them, eventually leading to the termination of the game. Newer controversies included the p opular â€Å"Wolfesnstein 3D† and the franchises of â€Å"Street Fighter† and â€Å"Mortal Kombat†, which featured one-on-one fights and gory graphic sequences (Carnagey and Anderson). Over the past 25 years, numerous studies have researched the effects on video games on adolescents. The most prominent interest of researches has been games with violent content and the association between video game use and aggressive behavior, as well on school performance. The aggressive elements portrayed have been linked to aggression on children and adolescents, but the empirical evidence was not present to validate these assumptions (Schutte et al.; Irwin and Gross). Recent meta-analytic reviews have employed both short-term experimental and correlation studies to study the harmful effects of exposure to violent games and associated them with higher levels of aggressive behavior, physiological arousal and decreased prosocial behavior (C. A. Anderson 113-22; Anderson et al.). Most of the research has associated videogame violence with school shooting incidents while some assessed their influence from a developmental perspective (Kirsh). This review will assess the effects of video games to the adolescents as reported from various studies, discuss the underlying psychological processes and theories employed to understand them. 2. Effects of Violent Video Games The research on the effects of violent video games, however small, mirrors the larger body of research on the effects of violent films and television programs (Whaley). While many of the effects in those genres are similar, at least three reasons to believe that the former have stronger effect than violent television formats (C. Anderson, Backwell) . These include the active process of playing videogames instead of the â€Å"passive† television viewing while higher probability of players to identify with a violent character occurs in first person shooters (Anderson and Dill). Additionally, most violent games reward violent behavior often with verbal praise such as â€Å"Nice shot† after killing enemies with a gun – as studies show, rewarding behavior increases its frequency (Bozza). 2.1 Aggressive behaviors, cognitions and feelings The primary concern over violent video games is the behavior that players will assume as a result to their