Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Fundamentals of Conclusion Samples for Third Person Essay Revealed

The Fundamentals of Conclusion Samples for Third Person Essay Revealed In summary, there are numerous diverse things that make me who I am. As a way to successfully contest your perspective, especially when seeking to spell out why a certain idea is more valid than the other, you must have the ability to understand either side of the matter. An individual may add a rhetorical question for a hook. The subject for your very first paragragh ought to be in the initial and second sentence. The Start of Conclusion Samples for Third Person Essay You may use the samples as a foundation for working out how to write in the appropriate style. Much like the last example, the pronouns of the very first person can be viewed just in dialogues. Though no formulaic concluding procedure is perfect, there are particular processes that needs to be avoided in the majority of situations. Many factors demonstrate that. Students are needed to write different varieties of essays on several subjec ts, and descriptive essays are some of the the many articles that students will be asked to present as part of their course work. Elaborate guide about how to begin an essay After an instructor assigns an essay, among the very first questions that students ask is the way to begin their essays. You might also see college essay. You could also see scholarship essay. The major point to be mindful about in personal descriptive essay is that there shouldn't be any over-exaggeration. One of the most typical varieties of writing is essay writing. The previous point to observe is the best way to compose a conclusion for an expository essay. The True Meaning of Conclusion Samples for Third Person Essay Essay writing differs for everybody. Slavery was one of the clearest ones. If you want to learn to compose a productive conclusion for a research paper meaning you require the greatest possible score, focus on the abstract, introduction, and results. Through the span of history, writing was used to begin a revolution. Always note what type of paper you're writing. How to compose a conclusion is what you need to know to produce your paper worth reading. There is considerably more to nursing than simply providing assistance to doctor or caring for an individual in need. Writing in third person may be an easy task when you get a small practice with it. To begin with, somebody has to get a research question they want answered and a small background knowledge on the matter. Last, please make sure to not incorporate any new info in the conclusion. You're presenting the sentence for a statement of fact rather than a personal belief. Call to action conclusions persuade the reader to select the argument constructed and change their lives in compliance with the new information that they have gained. You need to recognize that conclusion isn't only a very simple overview of evidence you've provided in your primary area of the essay. All conclusion does answer the key research question mentioned in the introduction. You want to supply your reader the last comment about the whole topic you've been discussing. Through persuasive writing, the reader has to be in a position to discern and adapt a particular point of view and have a plan of action. He should get the idea of the whole essay from the introduction. Without creativity, he might not want to continue reading. If you would like you might even have some type of an interview with the person that you're writing about in order to learn more about them. Without having a good idea of the manner introduction and the remainder of the work's pats should look like, a student isn't going to succeed with the assignment. You're able to pick a completely fictitious individual, obviously, but it's probably sensible to create the person at the very least a blend of men and women you know, in order for your description sounds authentic to a reader. It is crucial to describe the connection between the author and the person he's describing to convince the reader the importance of the person being described.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Young Goodman Brown Essays - 644 Words

Young Goodman Brown An allegory is a narrative in which the characters and objects personify deeper meanings than what the reader can see on the surface. The allegorical meaning is the writer’s real purpose in writing the narrative so that a lesson can be found when reading below the surface. â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a perfect example of an allegorical story and is filled with many symbolic elements. The story begins with Goodman Brown starting out on a journey. Hawthorne does not state what kind of journey or the purpose behind it. By the end of the story I saw it as a journey into Goodman Browns own mind, heart and soul rather than a literal journey. I feel this is the most significant†¦show more content†¦The pink ribbons worn by Faith symbolized the innocence of Goodman Brown’s faith. Pink is associated with being sweet, playful, and child like. It is when Goodman Brown sees the ribbons floating down from heaven that he knows he has lost his faith and that innocence has been tainted with evil. The staff symbolizes a type of deception of sin. The devil twice offers his staff to man. Once to Goodman Brown and then to Goody Cloyse. The devil deceives by offering his staff as a source of comfort an object to lean upon when Brown and Cloyse are tired and weary. Sometimes in life it is much easier to lean on the evil and take the path of least resistance rather than stand up for what is right and what we believe in. The forest is a classic symbol used in many stories. The forest is seen as dark, deceiving and a way to get lost. In â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† the deeper Brown gets into the forest the more lost he becomes. He is separated from his faith and all he knows as good. The â€Å"hanging twig and the coldest dew† is one of my favorite symbols used in this story. This whole scene is full of imagery with the cold damp rock and the feeling of hopelessness in the air. The twig with the cold dew on it is what awakens Brown from his dream or vision. This is what makes him face the reality ofShow MoreRelatedYoung Goodman Brown1144 Words   |  5 PagesIn this extract from â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses symbolism, imagery and point of view to depict Goodman Brown’s eventual journey from naivety in man’s purity of faith to recognition of man’s disposition to evil. It reveals Brown’s misplaced faith in man, who is deficient, instead of God. In the dialogue that ensues between the minister and Deacon Gookin, we learn of an impending meeting expecting participants hailing from â€Å"Falmouth and beyond... Indian powows† (HawthorneRead More Young Goodman Brown Essay1048 Words   |  5 Pages The main theme of the Nathaniel Hawthorne’s, â€Å" Young Goodman Brown,† is the struggle between Goodman Brown’s faith, power to resist his own evil impulses and his own doubts within him. It is a story of Young Goodman Brown’s personal conflict over his inner desires and its greater meaning conflict between good and evil in the world. The characteristics of Young Goodman Brown are similar to the life of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Nathaniel Hawthorne had his own doubts about his own Puritan life and beliefsRead MoreEssay on Young Goodman Brown769 Words   |  4 Pagesmain focus of the story â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† by Nathaniel Hawthorne is the triumph of evil over good. A supposedly good man is tempted by evil and allows himself to be converted into a man of evil. This is much like the situation that arises in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, where two people are tempted to sin and give in thus submitting themselves to the power of the devil. In this novel, the area where the devil resides is strictly parallel to that in â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;AsRead Moreyoung goodman brown Essay1058 Words   |  5 Pagesthe benefit of the afflicted†(5-6) and Young Goodman Brown, a fictional character created by Nathaniel Hawthorne, was written because a few male puritans wanted to publish a story to open up societies eyes and live in a more patriarchal society. Regardless of being a fictional character or a nonfiction, we get presented evidence in which both individuals experience problems that at the time the puritan society could relate too. While both Young Goodman Brown and Mary Rowlandson enter the forestRead MoreYoung Goodman Brown and the Lottery640 Words   |  3 PagesYoung Goodman Brown and the Lottery Symbolism Use In: Young Goodman Brown and The Lottery The authors, Shirley Jackson and Nathaniel Hawthorne, both frequently use symbols within their stories The Lottery and Young Goodman Brown. Symbols are utilized as an enhancement tool to stress the theme of each story. Hawthorne uses names and objects to enhance the theme, and Jackson mainly utilizes names to stress the theme, although she does have one object as a symbol of great importance to the themeRead MoreYoung Goodman Brown Analysis876 Words   |  4 PagesHawthorne’s story, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,† appears to be a story about original sin with a lot of symbolism tied in to make it an allegory. An allegory is a story that can be interpreted in different ways to find the hidden meaning behind the symbolism in the story. The three thing s focused on throughout the short story is Faith, the forest that Goodman Brown takes his journey through, and the staff, which the old man who leads Goodman Brown on his way carries. The short story, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,† uses severalRead MoreYoung Goodman Brown Essay931 Words   |  4 PagesYoung Goodman Brown: Good versus Evil Throughout Young Goodman Brown and other works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, the themes of sin and guilt constantly reoccur. Like many authors, Hawthorne used events in his life as a basis for the stories that he wrote. Hawthorne felt that ones guilt does not die with him/her but is rather passed down through the generations. Hawthornes great-great uncle was one of the judges during the Salem witchcraft trials. Hawthorne felt a great sense of guilt because ofRead MoreSummary Of Young Goodman Brown 1278 Words   |  6 PagesCharles F. Harris Kevin R. Martin ENG 102 T April 16, 2015 Young Goodman Brown Most people think that the majority of people walking the face of the earth are morally good with a few bad apples here and there. In the short story Young Goodman Brown, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses setting, characters, and plot to show how everyone can be drawn out of their usual character when they are governed by their evil desires. In this story, Hawthorne uses setting to show how people that commit evil will try andRead MoreYoung Goodman Brown Essay1291 Words   |  6 PagesYoung Goodman Brown Goodman Browns actions in the story, Young Goodman Brown, are a key element to this storys theme. The author uses Goodman Browns movement in and out of the forest, as a method of symbolizing the theme of a symbolic journey into the depths of consciousness. As the hours of the night pass, Goodman Brown travels farther into the forest, and deeper into the depths of consciousness. This theme is present in many passages of the text. The story begins with the line, YoungRead MoreAnalysis Of Young Goodman Brown 1285 Words   |  6 PagesPerceiÃŽ ½ed through the archetypal lens, the short story, Young Goodman Brown, by Nathaniel Hawthorne asserts the uniÃŽ ½ersal idea that eÃŽ ½il lurks within eÃŽ ½ery man. Taken as a whole, the work conÃŽ ½eys that humanity can easily fall ÃŽ ½ictim to innate selfish instincts as well as society’s damaging influences. The main character, Young Goodman Brown, treks on a journey that challenges him to uphold his innocence and his belief in a decent mankind as he discoÃŽ ½ers corruption in people. The allegory—a story

Monday, December 9, 2019

Reflective Practices for Diagnose and Reflection- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theReflective Practices for Diagnose and Reflection. Answer: Introduction Communicationis a process by which one can exchange their emotions, ideas, express thought, feeling and share experiences etc (Moon, 2013). The role of communication is very important in day to day life because it is a way sharing information in both verbal and nonverbal form. Effective communication is more above than just exchanging information, as it also includes perceptive the feeling and intentions behind the information (Hopkinson, 2014). The current report is all about thoughtful practices on my communication skills; consequently, I identified areas of improvement which is lacking in me for the effective communication, therefore, I used various diagnostic tools and feedback. Moreover, this report also concludes the results of various self-diagnostic tests and analyses of key communication issues which I went through during my professional interactions in past 12 months. Lastly, an action created including some of the key actions and tricks for coming next 6 months to get hold of the knowledge, skills in mybehaviours while interacting with people. Diagnose and reflection Communication skills play a very crucial role in transforming students into professionals. As a student, in my classroom session, I used to give presentations, take part in extempore and surely in that effective communication gives me the different level of confidence. Self-analysis is important to know individuals teamwork qualities, listening abilities and how good I am at convincing people (Hill,, 2016). Communication style questionnaire Good at talking in a classroom 2 I get nervous when to speak people 3 I am quick to offer people advice 1 I use effective words in my communication to attract other 2 Based on my personal skill analysis, I came to know that I am weak at communication when it comes to talking in a classroom. Self-analysis on the basis of just taking feedback from the co-students can limit the area of improvement. So for the better result, I took the help of various self-diagnostic exercises which support me in improving interpersonal skills communication. In the series of self-diagnosis exercise I performed a self-analysis test, for that I analyzed my communication skills while interacting with new people or new groups. By this, I found that my verbal communication and effective speaking skills are below average. Johari window When I introduced myself to a new group I felt I am interested in knowing new people, but contrary sometimes, I also feel stressed and hesitation. It is a mixed kind of emotions. Also, through this, I analyzed my verbal communication and speaking skills and I found that I failed to express my idea and do not speak frequently in the group of new people. I noticed that I may get panic or tense while interacting in a group because my confidence level is average. For that, I am actually ready to help people and offer them my help and advice. But, generally, when the thing is about interacting with unknown ones I found myself nervous and less confident. So I have to put my lots of efforts in making people understand my views and opinion to make the communication effective otherwise it is very difficult for somebody to understand what I am trying to say. Assertiveness Questionnaires (emotional balance) Good at understanding the view of different opinions 2 Making people understand my views 3 Convincing people 1 Maintain balance upon my emotions my behaviour. 3 Try that my feelings do not affect 2 1 Best 2 Better 3 Good 4 Worst For the self-diagnosis test, I prepared a questionnaire that helps in identifying my emotional control, thoughts, and understanding of people sentiments and emotions. With that self-analysis, I realized that I am good at understanding the view of different opinions. I usually avoid tough conversation and confrontation but I find myself good at making people understand my views. I am a kind of person who is good at convincing people. But yes Sometimes, I find difficulties in dealing with new people and get easily irritated but the somehow I used to maintain balance upon my emotions and try that my feelings do not affect my behaviour. This skill of me helps me to avoid the situation of egoism and conflicts with others. Questionnaire for listening skills I avoid eye contact 2 I avoid group situation whenever possible 1 Getting bored during conversation 2 Nod my head or acknowledge showing gestures and facial expressions 4 Sitting positions are appropriate 3 1 very much 2 slightly 3 reasonably 4 not at all Before analyzing the session I was in a view that my listening skills are below average but after performing the task I found my skills to be average. I actually do not nod my head or acknowledge showing gestures and facial expressions to the speaker to reflect my interest in communication. I often sit in a wrong posture like folded arms and hands which shows my lack of interest in a conversation. So by all these, I found myself, the average listener. DISCO model of diagnosis From the analysis, I came up with the conclusion that I should enhance the intensity of expressive intellect so that I can make a good interaction with the people during social contacts, to be more satisfied and successful in my career and relationships. Secondly, in the self-diagnostic exercise, I took the help of my classroom sessions. In that, I have gone through inter-group communications, listening skills, verbal communication effective speaking and communication in groups. Although I am confident with my existing skills, there are few movements when I feel that I should work on my skills over and over so that I can interact more efficiently and I am willing to learn new skills and competencies. I am frequently self-critical of myself and always try to learn from my mistakes. Major Communication during professional interactions in past 12 months Classroom Sessions While my classroom sessions, I was having doubts in the topic that was taught by my lecturer. As I lift up my hand to get any doubts cleared I found that I was not confident enough to speak it up clearly and loudly. That was my first experience of going on one to one with a lecturer. In that, I felt I was very timid and really need to put a lot of efforts in order to improve my communication skills. Communication with viewers during Seminar While back in my college seminar, I was trying to interact with the professor but because of thelanguage issue, I could not interact with him properly and efficiently. In the seminar, I was having a presentation too. I was having a good sense of knowledge of the topic on which I gave my presentation. As I done with my presentation my lecturer asked certain questions which were exactly related to my topics but I was not able to answer correctly what he was asking and adding to that I was not able to communicate with the audience as well, though because of the language issue. I was retting and was ashamed at I gave a good presentation and know the answer but just because of the short of words I am not able to express what I am trying to say. After that incident, I learned that I really need to work over my vocabularies and have to make a good command over my English. Literature Review Interpersonalbehaviour a positive approach in which person tries to make an effective relationship more strong with other people whom they are working or dealing with their personal and professional life (Olsen, 2015). The interpersonal skill involves everything from exchanging information that is speaking and listening skills toapproachand behaviour. Good interpersonal skills are a must for every role and in every level of work in an organization to work effectively and delivering our thoughts and ideas. There are various types of interpersonal behaviourAggressive, Assertive and like. Aggressive behaviour is that in which a person put their emotions, views or thoughts in such a way that the others feel dominated and humiliated. It is like a one-sided attack on the people rather than a healthy communication. While assertive behaviour is that type in which a put justifiable rights, views, and emotions in just a way that others rights are not get violated. In fact, assertive behaviour is a very honest and healthy approach to put views, feelings, and ideas in front of others. Interpersonal Communication is an essence in to make a healthy relationship in personal and professional lifestyle (Jenever, 2007). Communication is a two-way process in which the listener and speaker get the equal chance of delivering their thoughts in an effective manner. Influencing others is all about having the confidence which results in an effective communication and marks good impression on the other person. For this purpose, both verbal and non-verbal communication should be valuable enough to leave the impact on others.In addition to that listening skills are denoted as an ability to correctly receive and interpret messages during a communication process. As per the views of Shenton (2007) listening skills are required in an individual so that he/ she can become an effective communicator. In lack of an effective listening, the process of communication can effect in a negative way. Communication Model There have been various theories, models, and methods related to interpersonal behaviour and communication that could be helpful in improving skills of an individual and helps him or her in career development. Two main types of theories are structural and functionaltheories, even behaviouraltheories are also included in the task. The social structural theories give significant focus on social structures, whereas, behaviouraltheories give a significant attention to the psychology of people (Jones, 2014). The models are discussed in the following sections that are quite helpful in improving interpersonal skills and overcoming communication. On the basis of here-discussed models and theories, the style of communication is identified so that individuals can be offered with a better treatment. Johari Window The Johari window model is simple in terms is the most authentic, useful and feasible psychological tool to improve one's personal skill of communication. It is the perfect way to get to know about self-awareness and interpersonal relationships. It is very feasible as it can be applied in any kind of situation and environment (Halpern, 2009). There are four different areas in the Johari window and each area has its own importance of presenting. With the help of this model, I test my intragroup communication skills and I found that I am flexible with other people and can cooperate with others when it comes to group task, but I cannot speak much in the group. The reason behind my short of words is might be because I do not know much about the behaviour of individuals. Although, with the help Johari window model, I developed better understanding skills and I am now able to assess thebehaviour of my group members, which results in an effective communication between us. SMCR Model Another model that is specifically concerned with interpersonal communication is SMCR model. The model is strictly designed while considering the basis model of communication designed by Shannon and Weaver in 1948. The term SMCR includes four major sections such as Source, Message, Channel and Receiver (Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication, 2016). This model is significantly designed for the development of an effective communication between the receiver and the sender of a message. The model is the simplest model that is specifically applied to different communication theories; Furthermore, it specifically focuses on individual or person-to-person communication; however, a less focus is given to group communication. As per the model designed herewith, it can be said that gender plays a significant role, however, receiver, on the other hand, plays the secondary role. The model significantly assumes that communication is not a one-way process; however, it is a two-way process. Nonetheless, identification of noise and barriers is going to be helpful in resolving significant issues in communication. From the analysis of my existing skills, I came to know that I need to invest time in interpersonal skills which will further enhance and fruitful in my professional and personal healthy relations(Olsen, 2015). Although, I used slang and impressive words in my talks so that I can develop the interest of the listener. But I never use difficult slang or words while interacting with others just to show my intelligence. My close ones, my family, and friends tell me I am very much talkative. Action Plan Knowledge, skills, and behaviours Current proficiency Target proficiency Development Opportunities Mentor Criteria for judging and measuring success Timelines Evidence Listening skills My current proficiencies are that I am a good listener and I pay attention to others However, I need to improve nu body language so I can communicate in an effective manner and can show that I am a good listener I can follow an effective process of effective listening and can give more attention to professional listening skills My mentors for this task will be audience and lectures I can compare my listening skills by taking reviews from others however, I can ensure that I have effective listening skills as compared to others 2-3months The improvements in the Self-AssessmentTemplate of Listening skills will be the evidence of my effective listening Group communication My group communication skills are effective as I can cooperate with others in a group task by instructing them and through collaborative practices The group communication practices involves how I can learn and can understand the behaviour of individuals while working in a team For improving such skill and to achieve targets, I can attend Seminars,conferences, and Group presentations The co-workers, students team member, and leaders will be my mentor The degree o my confidence level when speaking in a group will be an evidence 2-3 months Improvements in Self Assessment Template: Intra-group communication Communication skills I found myself effective in face to face communication, and I am good at offering advice to people I keen to learn how can I express my ideas in an effective manner and I want to overcome that I face during conversations, Sometimes my stress reflects my communication The methods to improve my listening skills are presentations, one to one interactions with people, and the courses provided by my university The people to whom I will communicate on daily basis, teachers, students etc I can join some short-term courses available at the university 2-3 months Improvements in Self Assessment Template: Intra-group communication Influential skills I listen to the problem of others and try to put my views in an effective manner There is an urgent need of improving body language and eye contact so I can influence others with my skills I can take part in the regular skill development classes that are offered by university The people surrounding me are the biggest sources of mentoring my sills The improvement of my behaviours towards someones emotions 2-3 months Feedback and personal judgment On the basis of above action plan, I explained the areas in which I need improvements in my existing skills. The communication and interpersonal skills are the most significant areas where I need improvements. The action plan is designed to improve skill and explains that I can take part in the short term courses or advanced post-graduate communication courses offered by my university, as well as I can enrol myself in others institutions. Conclusion The above report reflects on my personal skills and explains the areas where I need improvements. I identified various areas in which I can improve my personal capability to increase communication effectiveness through an effective use of various diagnostic tools and feedbacks. The application of self-diagnostic tests made me aware that I am an average listener and communicator and need to work in significant areas. I can improve my skill and knowledge by taking part in normal courses or advanced communication courses offered by my university. References Halpern, H., 2009. Supervision and the Johari window: a framework for asking questions.Education for Primary Care,20(1), pp.10-14. Hill, K., Wittkowski, A., Hodgkinson, E., Bell, R. Hare, D.J., 2016. Using the repertory grid technique to examine trainee clinical psychologists' construal of their personal and professional development.Clinical psychology psychotherapy,23(5), pp.425-437. Hopkinson, C., 2014. Personal and professional development.Becoming a Nurse: A Textbook for Professional Practice, p.383. Jenever, A.M., 2007. Reflection in Learning Professional Development.Theory Practce. Jones, G., 2014. A communication model for dementia.Care-Giving in Dementia: Volume 1: Research and Applications, p.77. Moon, J.A., 2013.Reflection in learning and professional development: Theory and practice. Routledge. Olsen, B., 2015.Teaching what they learn, learning what they live: How teachers' personal histories shape their professional development. Routledge. Shannon Weaver Model of Communication 2016, Retrieved on 1st October 2017, from Shenton, A.K., 2007. Viewing information needs through a Johari Window.Reference Services Review,35(3), pp.487-496.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Treasure Island Essay Example For Students

Treasure Island Essay On the 27th November 2007, I attended a performance of Treasure Island at Derby Playhouse. During this performance, the design of one scene in particular surprised me: the first scene of the second act, in which Jim arrives on Treasure Island and meets Ben Gunn.  The creation of the Hispaniola ship and its movement was both memorable and surprising. Its creation was even integrated into the acting and melodramatic/musical style of the piece, as the actors built a small rowing boat from benches at the beginning of the scene and incorporated this into a dance. This served the dual-purpose of both entertaining the audience and creating the necessary staging. The main ship itself was on a small truck so it could be easily moved around. This ease of movement was then combined with the use of a revolve-stage, creating a surprisingly authentic representation of a ships journey over moving water. We will write a custom essay on Treasure Island specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Other staging/design aspects helped to create this authentic journey. The projection of a moving map on a cyclorama at the back of the stage, showed the ships progress to the audience, therefore, effectively communicating the idea that the ship was moving. The use of dappled blue lighting and sound effects of waves crashing against a beach also helped set the scene in a surprisingly effective way. The lighting was also used to give a rippling light effect to give the impression of the suns rays on the oceans surface, which helped to make the concept of the journey more believable for the audience. Later in the same scene, daggers were used as props. The daggers were not modern in style, and therefore helped to communicate the period of the piece (eighteenth century) to the audience so the historical context of the scene was surprisingly authentic to the audience. The use of sound effects for the fire from the rifles also helped to achieve this.  When Jim arrived on the island, a green curtain was used to show the jungles foliage and split the stage in half. This communicated the location of the scene surprisingly effectively. Vertical slits had been cut into the curtain and Ben Gunn used these slits to great comical effect. The slits also facilitated Bens arrival onstage and helped to make his entrance surprising. There was an audible gasp from the audience when Gunn emerged from behind the curtain and as he continued to dart through the slits, the audience began to laugh. Another surprising element of design in the scene, was the use of a puppet held by an actor to represent the parrot. The puppet was on a long pole, which was then swung by an actor dressed in bright clothing to show the parrot in flight. This was comical to the audience and surprising as it was a new interpretation on the piece. The costumes also added to the authenticity of the performance, which was particularly important as Treasure Island is a period piece.  Overall, the performance was highly enjoyable with several interesting staging elements.